FDA advice to avoid all Caribeña brand Maradol papayas that killed one person - Travel Destination and tips FDA advice to avoid all Caribeña brand Maradol papayas that killed one person - Travel Destination and tips

FDA advice to avoid all Caribeña brand Maradol papayas that killed one person

8 years ago

After 47 people hospitalized and one person already died, the FDA advice to the consumer to avoid eating all Caribeña brand Maradol papayas. Deadly Salmonella has linked to papayas already spread in 12 states, U.S Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control send a warning to all state to stay away.

Maradol papayas have green skins that turn yellow when the fruit is ripe. The flesh inside the fruit is salmon-colored.

Salmonella symptoms

Which usually begin 12 hours to three days after infection, usually includes diarrhea, fever and cramps for four days to a week.
Children are the most likely to get salmonellosis. Children younger than five, the elderly, and those people with weakened immune systems are more likely to have severe infections.

From the report, symptoms began May 17 and June 28. The illnesses reported after June 23 may not be included, as there can be a delay between when someone becomes sick and when the illness is reported.

In Maryland, where five people found positive of Salmonella and they said they had eaten papayas from the same grocery store a week ago before their illness began. Health officials says after their investigation.
In the record according to the CDC, 450 deaths annually because of this salmonella infection in the US annually.

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